Friday, February 11, 2011

Carbon monoxide 2p319

Carbon monoxide

Oxygen and carbon is harmless yet when combined results in a harmful gas known as carbon monoxide which is colorless, odorless and tasteless and gets the effect of gas poisoning which cause a human to die within a minute. It is a covalent bond where its molecular formula is CO. Carbon monoxide is highly toxic and flammable. Oxygen itself is toxic if there is too much of it which can kill in at least 6 minutes, highly abundant, needed for respiration and oxygen is flammable. Carbon is highly abundant, highly inflammable, highly stable, produced from respiration and needed for photosynthesis. Yet, carbon monoxide is produced in such conditions and characteristics with a highly toxic that can kill within a minute and highly flammable, against the characteristics of carbon and more flammable and toxic than of oxygen.

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