Monday, May 23, 2011

Home Based Learning 2P333 Zhu Jiahua

2) The cutting down of trees and clearing for plantations, has caused the number of trees available for habitat of the ants to be reduced. Thus, it will be hard for the ants to find a place to live in, causing a decrease in the population of the ants. The ants also uses a unique way of capturing their prey: cutting hairs from the stem of the plant they inhabit, and use the tiny fibers to build a spongy platform, and the structure is glued together with a protein that comes from chewed and regurgitated vegetation. Thus, the decrease in the number of trees will also render the ants being unable to use this method to capture their prey, as they are unable to obtain the hairs from the plant in which they live easily. This will lead to a decrease in the number of the ants, as one of their food source is restricted.

3a) Commensalism: allomerus decemarticulatus ants and the tree in which they live in.
Predation: allomerus decemarticulas ants and their prey.
Parasitism: ( caused by allomerus decemarticulas ants) fungus and rainforest tree.

b) Commensalism:Remora and Shark
Predation: zebra and grass
Parasitism: Mosquito and Man

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