Monday, May 23, 2011

Home Based Learning (By Chen Dewei)

2) Massive deforestation is currently taking place in the Amazon region, and the plants which the Allomerus decemarticulatus ants inhabit will be destroyed. Without those plants, the ants will not be able to obtain tiny fibres which are used to create their traps, then they will not be able to build their traps and hunt for prey, causing them to die out eventually. In addition, their home, which is a leaf pouch, will be destroyed due to deforestation as well, and this will deprive them of a shelter and be more prone to predators. The inability to defend themselves will cause the ants to eventually die out as well.

3a) Mutualism - Allomerus decemarticulatus ants and mould
      Exploitative (Predation) - Allomerus decemarticulatus ants and other insects
      Commensalism - Allomerus decemarticulatus and Hirtella physophora

3b) Mutualism – Remora and shark
      Exploitative (Predation) – Cheetah and Thompson gazelle
      Commensalism – Barnacles and scallop

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