Monday, May 23, 2011

Home Based Learning

How has/will human activities in the Amazon regions affect the Allomerus decemarticulatus ants?

Human activities such as clearing forest for land will lead to deforestation. When land is reclaimed, forests are usually burnt down which will destroy the organisms living in the habitat. Allomerus decemarticulatus ants depend on a host plant to make traps to catch its prey. With deforestation, there would be less of the host plants, which will lead to the Allomerus decemarticulatus ants catching less prey, causing the population to fall.

a) Commensalism - Allomerus decemarticulatus worker ants cut hairs from the stem of     the plant they inhabit, and use the tiny fibres to build a spongy platform

Predation - Swarms of workers then rush over the hapless prey, stinging it into submission. The prone insect is then carted off towards the ants' home, a leaf pouch, where it is carved up.

Mutualism - The structure is glued together with a protein that comes from chewed and regurgitated vegetation. The ants make holes in the platform and put in place pieces of sooty mould, which quickly grow around the structure and reinforce it.

b) Commensalism - Cattle Egret & Cattle
     Predation - Cheetah & Thompson Gazelle
     Mutualism - Clownfish & Sea anemone

Done by Alexander Chen (01)

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