Monday, May 23, 2011

Ecology HBL by Tay Wei Sheng(2P326)

2) Human destruction to the Allomerus decemarticulatus ants’ habitat, which is the Amazon forests, will cause them to find another suitable place where there is availability of food. However, if humans keep using deforestation, these ants may not be able to find another suitable place to stay and without food, they will not be able to survive. This will cause a decrease in population. Also, deforestation will also affect the prey of the Allomerus decemarticulatus ants, as a result, a drop in population of Allomerus decemarticulatus ants’ prey. With a lack of food, some of these ants will not be able to survive too. In addition, destruction to the forests, there will be fewer plants which these ants use to make traps for hunting of prey, as well as a form of habitat. As a result, these ants will not be able to hunt for sufficient prey to feed themselves, and thus not able to survive.

3a) Commensalism : Allomerus decemarticulatus ants and host plant
       Mutualism: Allomerus decemarticulatus ants and mould
       Parasitism: Allomerus decemarticulatus ants and prey(locusts)
3b) Commensalism: Tree climbing crabs that climb onto mangrove roots to avoid aquatic predators
    Mutualism:Sponge provide shelter for micro-organisms while micro-organisms provide food, as the excess food of the micro-organisms are picked up by the sponge
     Parasitism: Cuckoo deposits their own eggs into the nests of other species, and attacks the hosts after that to raise them

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