Monday, May 23, 2011

Home Based learning Ecology by Lim Dae Koon (2p316)

2 ) The humans will start clearing lands in the Amazon regions, which will lead to deforestation. This will cause the species in Amazon to lose their habitat. For Allomerus decemarticulatus, they will lose their natural habitat, which is the plant, since the plant they are living in will get destroyed. Also, they would not be able to capture any insects, because they would not be able to get the hair from the plant, since the plant will be cut down by humans clearing the land.
3a ) Mutualism : Allomerus Decemarticulatus and mould
Commensalism : Allomerus Decemarticulatus and plant the ant lives in
Predation : Allomerus Decemarticulatus and its prey (insects that passes by the trap)
3b ) Mutualism : Goby fish and shrimp
     Commensalism : Spider an a plant.
     Predation : Eagle and rabbit

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