Monday, May 23, 2011

Ecology HBL Leow Wei Sheng 2P315

2) Deforestation will destroy the natural habitat of the Allomerus Decemarticulatus, causing them to lose their homes and their livelihoods. If the plants are destroyed, the ants would not be able to make the traps, and they will not be able to obtain food. Thus, they will start to decrease in numbers and eventually die out. Trekking may also destroy the habitat of the Allomerus Decemarticulatus, however on a smaller scale. The trekkers may step on the habitat and destroy it.

3a) Commencialism: Allomerus Decemarticulatus and host plant.
     Mutualism: Allomerus Decemarticulatus ants and mould.
     Parasitism: Allomerus Decemarticulatus ants and prey.

Commencialism: Young fishes and shrimps hide in the tangle of roots of a mangrove tree to avoid larger predators.     
Mutualism: Sponges let micro-organisms live on them while the micro-organisms produce more food than they can comsume and the excess is picked up by the sponge.
Parasitism: Endoparasitic wasp inject their eggs into moth or butterfly larvae and the wasp larvae feed on the larvae of the butterfly or moth.

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